External API Commands

These web pages are designed to assist developer's in integrating the TD Generation Terminal to an External Point of Sale Terminal as defined in the document NBSPS Payment Solutions - TD Generation Terminal - External API Command Specification.

To return to this page from any other page, please click on the TD Generation image at the top of each page.

Each application that is loaded on the TD Generation terminal may contain web based API scripts that allow an external device (an EPOS) to make calls to the application through http based GET or POST calls.

Each application may optionally display human readable help pages if you simply browse to the application cgi-bin directory without passing any parameters. The application assumes that if there are no parameters then the page has been reached through a web browser and the help page will be HTML formatted and returned to the browser for display. (such as this page).

The following applications are installed and have exported web based API calls:-

You may need to supply a username and password to access these pages. Please refer to the receipt that is printed or the display on the TD Generation terminal during boot time for the username:password.